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Google (4.3 billion users), Facebook (2.95 billion users), and Instagram (2.35 billion users) offer enormous opportunities to medical spas. But merely being present on these platforms is not enough. Medical spa ads can help convert and bring in new clients. So, if yours aren’t converting like you want them to, perhaps you need fresh medical spa marketing ideas. 

You need to consistently post content that resonates with your target audience to get the most out of your advertising efforts. In this article, we’ll discuss the dos and don’ts of medical spa advertising with examples.

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Google Medspa Ads

Google ads are a powerful way to attract new leads. However, they are only effective if you follow the dos and don’ts.

In fact, we found that the top 3 Google search results get 54.4% of all clicks.

  • No Explicit Botox Advertising: 

Botox treatments are prescription-only medicines (POM). So, promoting them on social media or websites is not permitted except for licensed pharmacies or resale companies.

  • Avoid Directly Promoting Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

Advertising prescription-only medicines, like anti-aging substances, goes against the Human Medicines Regulations 2012.

  • Steer Clear of Misinformation or Misleading Claims: 

Google strictly prohibits ads containing misleading information or claims debunked by fact-checkers.

  • Keep Landing Pages Clear and Concise:

Avoid large blocks of text on your landing pages.

  • Be Strategic About Keyword Selection:

Let’s say you want to sell Botox services but cannot use this word directly. In this case, you can use keywords like “fillers,” “wrinkle injections,” or other synonyms.  

  • Give a Direct CTA: 

For effective medical spa ads, it’s crucial to use straightforward calls to action.

  • Include Extensions:

To make your ad stand out, include ad extensions and offer promos in the ad copy.

Here Are Some Examples of Advertisements for Medspa That Have Been Created Using Google’s Ad Platform.


  • Smooth, Hair-Free Skin Awaits – Try Laser Hair Removal Today!
  • Banish Acne Breakouts for Good – Discover Effective Acne Treatments!
  • Glowing Skin, Reimagined – Unleash the Power of HydraFacial!
  • Revitalize Your Skin with HydraFacial – Experience True Radiance!
  • Sculpt Your Dream Body – Discover CoolSculpting!
  • Achieve a Confident Silhouette – Try CoolSculpting Today!


  • Say goodbye to razors and waxing! Our Laser Hair Removal service offers a lasting solution for silky-smooth skin. Embrace the freedom of hair-free days. Book your session now!
  • Regain control of your skin with our advanced Acne Treatments. Our experts will design a personalized plan to tackle your specific concerns. Reveal clearer, healthier skin – schedule a consultation today!
  • Experience the ultimate skin transformation with HydraFacial. Deeply cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate your skin for a radiant glow. Elevate your skincare routine – try HydraFacial now!
  • Revive your skin’s natural beauty with HydraFacial! Our gentle yet effective treatment will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Embrace luminous, healthier skin. Book your HydraFacial session today!
  • Get the body you’ve always wanted with CoolSculpting! Freeze away stubborn fat without surgery or downtime. Reveal a more sculpted you – schedule a CoolSculpting consultation now!
  • Enhance your body contours with coolsculpting’s non-invasive approach. Our skilled team will help you achieve a more confident appearance. Don’t wait – transform your silhouette with CoolSculpting!

Facebook and Instagram Medspa Ads Dos and Don’ts

One of the biggest mistakes advertisers make when running medical spa ads is they fail to comply with the policies of each platform. It results in lost revenue as they can get penalized for posting ads that violate the policies.

Here are some points and medical spa advertisement examples for reference.


1. Focus on including positive, relevant, and informative text and images 

Experiment with various formats and ensure your posts are informative with images that exhibit natural beauty. Also, add brief captions that mention the treatments offering these results.

Example: A compliant image for an ad promoting body contouring treatment. 

2. Include body positivity

The ads that promote inclusivity for all genders, races, ethnicities, and body types tend to perform much better.

Here’s an example of Dove’s Real Beauty Ad Campaign.

Dove’s ad, which aimed to promote awareness about appreciating the real beauty of women and boosting their self-esteem was a big hit. It spread the idea that size doesn’t matter.

3. Be Authentic

You should not overpromise or promise what you cannot deliver. It is recommended to foster an authentic approach that sets realistic expectations while promoting your services as a means to improve quality of life.

Here’s an example of a compliant image for a body sculpting treatment ad that shows a realistic transformation.

4. Focus on ads that promote a solution for enhancing natural beauty.

Using images of stunning models with flawless skin for your medspa ads may seem tempting, but most people cannot achieve such results. Instead, using models that look like everyone else makes your ads more relatable and inspires your target audience to reach out.

Here’s an example:

5. Highlight real-life results

You can post testimonials from real clients and also use Reels, Stories, or Carousel ads that show gradual transformation with realistic results.

Here’s an example:

6. Use unedited and unretouched images that show appreciation for real beauty.

The modern audience responds much better to beauty campaigns, that aspire to redefine beauty standards. Hence, posting unedited and unfiltered images works best to attract and retain your desired clientele.

Here’s an example: 

The brand Aerie has been posting ad campaigns using only unretouched images since 2014. Its latest ad featured models with different body types and unedited images, which is the perfect example of the type of ads you should strive to post.


1. Avoid words and imagery that imply or suggest negative self-perception

The meta platforms, Facebook and Instagram, don’t allow advertisers to run ads that imply or attempt to generate negative self-perception.


For example, if you are trying to run ads for weight loss treatment, you need to ensure the imagery does not include anything that encourages or reinforces negative or unhealthy body image

2. Do not suggest striving for the “perfect body” or appearance

Facebook and Instagram do not allow brands to run advertisements that explicitly suggest that one should strive for the “perfect body”.


Here’s an example of what is NOT ALLOWED:

The Victoria’s Secret ad campaign was launched with the slogan “The Perfect Body”, which was widely considered offensive. The brand had to issue an official apology for posting it.

3. Avoid exploiting insecurities to conform to certain beauty standards

For example, weight loss-related medspa treatment ads can’t use content that may negatively affect people, such as using a tape measure around a person’s body.

4. Do not use any type of body-shaming content

It means it should not contain distasteful messaging that could make people feel negative about the way they look.

Here’s an example of Protein World’s body-shaming ad that was considered offensive:

5. Do not promote an unhealthy relationship with food or exercise

Unhealthy food habits, exercises, or treatments promoted heavily through ads result in unjustifiable expectations among the young audience. Hence, the ad guidelines have become stricter. 
Example: Here’s a non-compliant image for a medspa ad aimed at promoting weight loss.

6. Avoid showing close-up imagery of a person’s health condition

The meta platforms are committed to ensuring that people feel comfortable and confident enough to be who they are and to express themselves freely. Hence, they don’t allow imagery that explicitly exposes their insecurities.

Example: This image zooms in on the wrinkles and other signs of aging, which many women feel insecure about. Hence, it will be considered non-compliant.

7. Do not use before-and-after images with idealized results

Highly edited and idealized images promote a clearly biased view toward a specific body type and weight. They raise unethical standards for attractiveness and increase body dissatisfaction.  Hence, these types of images aren’t allowed.
Here’s an example of a non-compliant anti-aging treatment ad:


Here Are Some Catchy Headlines and Descriptions for Medical Spa Advertisements on Facebook and Instagram.

Service Name: Botox and Dermal Filler
Headline 1: Rediscover Youthful Radiance!
Headline 2: Enhance Your Natural Beauty!
Description 1: Say goodbye to wrinkles and hello to a rejuvenated you! Our Botox and Dermal Filler treatments will help smooth fine lines and add volume for a fresh, youthful appearance. Book your consultation today!
Description 2: Unlock your true beauty potential with our Botox and Dermal Filler expertise. Our skilled professionals will artfully enhance your features, giving you a natural and radiant glow. Discover the beauty within.

Service Name: Laser Hair Removal
Headline 1: Silky Smooth Skin Awaits!
Headline 2: Ditch Waxing Routine, Embrace Laser!
Description 1: Tired of shaving or waxing? Embrace the freedom of hair-free days with our Laser Hair Removal service. Experience long-lasting results and say farewell to unwanted hair. Get started on your journey to smooth skin now!
Description 2: Liberate yourself from the hassle of constant hair removal. Our advanced Laser Hair Removal technology ensures painless and effective results, leaving your skin irresistibly smooth. Unleash your confidence today!

Service Name: Body Contouring

Headline 1: Transform Your Body
Headline 2: Sculpt Your Perfect Silhouette!
Description 1: Achieve the body you’ve always desired with our non-surgical Body Contouring treatments. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a sculpted figure. Start your transformation journey with us!
Description 2: Ready to contour your curves and define your shape? Our Body Contouring specialists utilize cutting-edge techniques to target problem areas and help you achieve your body goals. Get the silhouette you deserve!

Service Name: Acne Treatments

Headline 1: Clear Skin, Clear Confidence!
Headline 2: Empower Your Skin with Our Acne Solutions!
Description 1: Don’t let acne hold you back. Our customized Acne Treatments will help you regain control of your skin and confidence. Banish breakouts and embrace a clear, glowing complexion.
Description 2: Say farewell to acne and hello to radiant skin! Our expert team will curate a personalized acne treatment plan to address your unique needs. Reclaim your skin’s health and self-assurance now!

Frequently Asked Questions About Medspa Ads

Q1: What types of Medspa ads perform the best on Facebook and Instagram?

Facebook and Instagram are the best platforms to advertise your medical spa services. You can post ads in various formats for the best results:

  • Offer-based ads: 

Running limited-time promotions or special offers can create a sense of urgency and entice potential clients to take action.

  • Carousel ads: 

Use Carousels to display multiple images or videos within a single ad to highlight different treatments and encourage viewers to swipe through and explore more.

  • Video ads:

Engaging video ads are the best way to capture users’ attention. You can use videos to demonstrate your Medspa treatments and their benefits. 

  • Stories ads: 

Sharing user-based content in the form of Story ads can add authenticity to your marketing efforts. Encourage your clients to share their experiences and results on social media. 

  • Review and testimonials in Explore ads: 

Showcase positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied clients. Social proof can greatly influence decision-making and build trust in your medical spa’s services.

Q2: Are there any AI tools that can help me with medical spa marketing and ads?

When it comes to medical spa marketing ideas, harnessing the power of AI can be a game-changer. Practina AI, in particular, has emerged as a valuable solution to automate social media marketing efforts. This AI digital marketing tool can generate creative ad ideas and copies and help you run successful medspa ads on various platforms.  

Q3: How can Practina AI solve Medspa advertising problems?

Practina AI can do multiple marketing tasks for you, including:

  • Generate engaging ad copies customized to your brand
  • Smart Ads feature for high-performance ads and boosting conversions
  • Real-time ad analysis and detailed reports
  • Automated social media posts for hassle-free management and more! 

Simply book a demo and experience the power of Practina AI firsthand.

Final Words

Staying ahead in the competitive medical spa industry requires consistency and a touch of creativity to attract the right audience. Hence, following the dos and don’ts is crucial. Additionally, you can rely on Practina AI to address most challenges of modern-day medspa advertising. 

With its creative ad generation and real-time analysis, Practina AI empowers your brand to shine on Google, Facebook, and Instagram. So, if you want your medical spa brand to outshine competitors, sign up with Practina now!

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